Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France .
Mediterranean Sea .

vendredi 29 avril 2022


Sea , travels , shores , boats.. are very present in my life and are a source of creativity.
They offer me inspiration to create notebooks.

MO asked me to see some of them.

Here are some pieces of what I've done.


4 commentaires:

merlecolibri a dit…

merci beaucoup pour cette expo visite dans tes carnets * superbes compositions avec collages qui montrent bien ton attachement à la mer * j'adore tes idées de mises en page !
"Sunny days"
bon weekend !

Taken For Granted a dit…

Malyss, your notebook pages are beautifully artistic. I'm surprised you have not incorporated more of your photos as you are an excellent photographer with a great eye. Thank you for showing some of your collages. Looks like you have a wish for travel. By all means, take the first step.

Taken For Granted a dit…

Hi Malyss. There is real art to collage, and you clearly have that skill. You asked about the vulture. My guess is they mostly circle to ride thermals of air to higher altitudes. They seldom flap their wings unless they have have to. They much prefer to soar though the air expending as little effort as possible. They are beautiful birds in the air, but not pretty up close. Their eating habits are best avoided, but they play an important part in the ecology of nature keeping the environment clean and disease free. Turkey Vultures never kill live animals focusing solely in carrion. The Black Vultures of Africa and Europe sometimes do take live prey, but not often. The Vultures around here are all Turkey Vultures. Have a wonderful time on your trip in May. Hope you are going somewhere wonderful.

James a dit…

Super ! Tu es très talentueuse !
La femme qui "wish", c'est toi ? :-)