Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France .
Mediterranean Sea .

vendredi 3 septembre 2021

I dare you !


Would you , Could you ?...

Me?... NO WAY !!

I'm linking this to 


4 commentaires:

Taken For Granted a dit…

What a wonderful looking tall ship. I would love to travel on Sea Cloud II if it were not for our pandemic. No way would I climb into the rigging and do what these young men are doing. Thanks for the photos of the Pointus traditional fishing boats. Had to look up their origin. Many traditionally used Lateen sail rigs, but now many are conventual main and jib sail.

Miradas desde mi lente a dit…

Buenas escaladas hacen los marineros...deben de estar muy en forma, para llegar a esos sitios tan altos, que hay en el barco.

merlecolibri a dit…

moi non plus, mais ça doit être formidable de se hisser tout là-haut!

James a dit…

Méfiez vous des vents forts !
We think alike! My first thought was NO WAY !
The ship is amazing.