Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France .
Mediterranean Sea .

mardi 31 mars 2020

Travelling through my bookshelves

 I can't go out anymore ,but I know a perfect way to go on travelling.
My books have always been my best friends, my solace , my solution!
Here we go !
The picture shows the Promenade des Anglais, Nice

Nice c.1865

Nice c.1865

Nice c.1865

Cannes c.1860

Cannes c.1865

Cannes c.1860

Cannes c.1860

Cannes c.1860

Menton c.1865

Title: La Riviera de Charles Nègre
Author : Joseph Nègre
Publisher: Edisud-Tac-Motifs
Year: 1991

2 commentaires:

Taken For Granted a dit…

These old photographs are fun to see how much has changes, and how much has stayed the same. Stay safe and healthy.

James a dit…

That's great! I can spend hours looking at old photos of interesting places and people.
This is the perfect opportunity to rediscover good books. Unfortunately because of my many moves I only have a few books. Yesterday I decided to start reading about Catherine the heroine of Nice and Nice history in general. I have to read what I can from websites.

I'm sick of this confinement! Stay safe. Bon confinement a toi !