Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France .
Mediterranean Sea .

mardi 31 mars 2020

Travelling through my bookshelves

 I can't go out anymore ,but I know a perfect way to go on travelling.
My books have always been my best friends, my solace , my solution!
Here we go !
The picture shows the Promenade des Anglais, Nice

Nice c.1865

Nice c.1865

Nice c.1865

Cannes c.1860

Cannes c.1865

Cannes c.1860

Cannes c.1860

Cannes c.1860

Menton c.1865

Title: La Riviera de Charles Nègre
Author : Joseph Nègre
Publisher: Edisud-Tac-Motifs
Year: 1991

mardi 17 mars 2020


Due to circumstances ,
I won't be blogging regularly for a while.
Stay safe !
Take a good care of you!

samedi 7 mars 2020

Deep faith

Do you see the stone sign on the right of the picture?..

To see what's down there , under the sea ,