Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France .
Mediterranean Sea .

vendredi 9 août 2013

Mellow Yellow

I'm linking this to WEEK-END REFLECTIONS ,
a meme hosted by James .

13 commentaires:

James a dit…

The combination of water, light,shadows,reflections and bright color makes a wonderful image.

EG CameraGirl a dit…

Warm and sunny!

Adrienne a dit…

Love the yellow on the water - so bright! Stunning!

Unknown a dit…

What a wonderful watery reflection for the day! Love all the colors!!

Anonyme a dit…

Creative reflections ~ Wow! ~ thanks, carol, xo

PerthDailyPhoto a dit…

J'adore Malyss, the colour reflected on the water and the water reflected on the ship..a double treat..

Catherine a dit…

I recognise that ferry - gorgeous yellow hue

'Tsuki a dit…

Mega Smeralda, ouais, parce que y a pas de petite émeraude, d'abord !!!

Impressionnant le navire : pas facile à faire entrer au cadre... ^^

Audrey a dit…

joli coups d oeil et jolie photo ;o)

Taken For Granted a dit…

Just so that yellow ferry boat doesn't become a yellow submarine. Beautiful reflection.

McdsM a dit…

Quel reflet !
Ce bateau que je connais si bien, promesse d'un séjour toujours idyllique !

Shirley a dit…

Terrific image full of colour and shadows!

Ruth Kelly a dit…

The water reminds me of a painting.